Super Model Car Sunday 2008 - Page 6


My other 'show car' was the '55 Chev I built a number of years ago. It's still looking good, probably because it's never been driven. Hahahaha... sorry.

One of my favourites was Dave Loye's fantastic rendition of Lil' Coffin. To get that amazing finish he first painted the car in Alclad Chrome, which goes over a gloss black base, then painted the Candy Apple Red.

If you're going to have a boat, it might as well have a blown V8 in it!

This is the car that impressed AB so much that he gave builder Glenn Retallack an award. The picture doesn't do the paint justice. It was mirror smooth and looked good enough to eat.

This crazy contraption was built by Alan Barton, but with a bit of help from Dave Loye who did the stunning paint work. Once AB got the body back from Dave, he stripped the chassis down again because it wasn't up to the standard of the body!

Crazy, man. Crazy!

This is the new chopped Merc kit. I kind of think it's cheating if you didn't chop it yourself, but I think I'll buy one anyway.

I just love custom pick-up trucks. Didn't get the builder's details on this one, but it looks like it couldn't be a Tony Somers build.