1st Australian Kustom Nationals - 2003

Held on the first weekend in January at the legendary Phillip Island Race Track and hosted by Kustoms of Australia, the 1st Kustom Nats sure looked like a bunch of fun. Unfortunately I couldn't get there in person, but part time Automotive Industry Executive and full-time CAR NUT Peter Carpenter was there. In fact, Carps was there right from the start helping with the organising as well as running of the event.

These pics are all his, so if you've got any complaints, please forward them to carps@toyota.com. :)

Here's something you don't see too often at a Hot Rod/Kustom event.

Even this bad Bug was welcomed through the gates which made for an interesting and eclectic mix of cars on show.

Personally, I love Beetles, so I don't have a problem with it.

Here's a great Model A roadster that gets around a fair bit. Must be because he drives it. Imagine that!

Now here's another '29 but this time it's a Chev. Sure don't see too many of these.

Looks kinda weird with the Chev motor in it. Shouldn't it be running a Ford???

Some more cool Chevs for you.

Another Chev, this time a Ute with a set of HQ taillights.

Very cool shop truck. Wonder if anything ever goes in the back?

Here's a few shots of the crowds that headed down for the fun.

Looks like everything was covered down there. Cadillacs, Morries, some Mopars. Hell! There might even be a Ford or two down there.

I think this is the crowd around one of Carps' sermons.

In the background you can see what looks like a real nice Merc sled. Or is it...?

Nope. Looks like it's the crowd around the "Project Chop" car.

For the duration of the show John "Chopper" Katsanis and his crew lowered the lid on someone's poor innocent Chev.

I think they told the owner first... I think.

How's that for scenery!

The Entrants had use of the full Grand Prix track for the duration of the show.

What a blast!

I wonder how that '59 Cad went around the switchback coming on to the main straight!?!?!?

Now I'm not sure whether these guys are coming around to lap the Cadillac or whether the Cad got the holeshot.

Either way, it sure looks cool.

Man! I sure hope he's got some spare paint to touch up that beaver panel!

That's some SERIOUS flame throwing going there. I sure do love them sledded '41-'48 Fords.

Here's Carps getting all artistic on us now.

Sure is a sweet looking flattie.


Here's Mr Ford's Fords. I've got more pictures of the green Pickup on my Carps' Adventures page. Just go to the John's Picnic collection of pics and you'll find it somewhere in there.
Looks like this bloke's terrorising two innocent young girls. Damn Hot Rodders! Menace to society they are!!!

Some more trad style Hot Rods and what looks like a trailer load of beer.

That is what trailers are for aren't they? To carry all the beer.

Remember that Merc lurking in the background a while back. Well look again.

It's a HUDSON!

More amazingly, it started off as a four door.

Of course it took out the Top Kustom Award.

It also has a Big Block Chev under the hood so it has plenty of GO to match the SHOW.

Maybe now the car's finished he can buy himself a pair of pants that fit. ;)

Here's another shot, but I think it's just coincidence that the car happened to be in the background.

I mentioned earlier that Carps is a full time car guy. Well it seems he sometimes takes more pics of girls than cars.

Apparently it's something to do with some anthropological studies that he's doing part time... apparently.